Spray Pumps Dispensing Systems - Lumson


Spray Pumps

High spray quality

Lumson’s spray engine, thanks to its pre-compression, dispenses a fine mist with no dispersion. Moreover, the engine allows a soft and smooth actuation, granting a higher spray quality. The portfolio includes three inserts, with different spray cones* and patterns** for a more or less extended application.

Necks: GCMI 20/400HS - 24/410 - SPECIAL
Engine: SMART
Dosages: 250 - 350 - 500μl
COLLARS in different designs

*Spraying cone = the angle of the cone that the product creates during the spraying distribution.
**Spraying Pattern = the area that the product will cover on a piece of paper if distributed from a distance of 10 cm.

Spray Pumps Dispensing Systems - Lumson


Spray Pumps Dispensing Systems - Lumson


Spray Pumps Dispensing Systems - Lumson


Spray Pumps Dispensing Systems - Lumson


Spray Pumps Dispensing Systems - Lumson


Spray Pumps Dispensing Systems - Lumson


Spray Pumps Dispensing Systems - Lumson


Spray Pumps Dispensing Systems - Lumson

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